The Patriarchal Age (Part 5) : Moses

    This lesson will cover very briefly part of the life of Moses.

    From Exodus chapter 1, we read that after Joseph and all his brothers, even all that generation died, the Israelites continue to multiply greatly and the land of Egypt was filled with them. Many years later, there arose a new king or Pharaoh who did not know who Joseph was or what he has done in the past. He was afraid that the Israelites being great in numbers would turn against the Egyptians should a war break out between them and the enemies (Exodus 1:9-10).

    The king tried many ways to keep the Israelites from multiplying but failed. Finally, he commanded that every baby boy born to an Israelite home is to be cast into the river and be drowned.

    This is where we meet Moses. He was a beautiful baby and Moses’ mother loved him very much. She hid him for 3 months from Pharaoh’s soldiers but as Moses grew older, it was not safe to keep him anymore. Moses’ mother put him in a little basket and laid it by the riverbank.

    At this time, Pharaoh’s daughter came to take a bath in the river and she found baby Moses in the basket. She had Moses taken care of and brought him up as her own son.

    When Moses grew up, he loved his own people (the Israelites) even though he was brought up as an Egyptian in the king’s palace. One day when he saw an Egyptian mistreating a Hebrew (the Israelites are also called by that name), he killed him.

    When Pharaoh found out about this, he sought to kill Moses. Moses ran away to a place called the land of Midian. He married a woman in that land and lived there for about forty years.

    In the meantime, the Israelites cried out to God to bring them out of Egypt and away from their sufferings from the Egyptians. God heard their prayers and He chose Moses to lead them out of the hands of the wicked Pharaoh.

    God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush and told him to return to the land of Egypt to deliver his people (Exodus 3:1-10). Moses did not want to go and he made several excuses but finally, he realized that God would help him. So he went into Egypt to deliver God’s people out of their bondage (or trouble).

    Moses (with God’s help) tried many ways to get Pharaoh to let God’s people leave but Pharaoh would not let them go. God then sent ten plagues upon the Egyptians (read Exodus chapters 7 through 12). It was only after the tenth plague, which was the death of the firstborn of every Egyptian household, did Pharaoh let the Israelites leave. God caused the Red Sea to part and the Israelites walked across the sea in dry land into the wilderness (a vast desert) where God will lead them to a promised land.

    During the wilderness wanderings, there were so many times where the Israelites complained and murmured at different things. They forgot so soon their sufferings in Egypt and the deliverance of God. Yet because of God’s great love for His people, He looked after them even when they were so unthankful.

    The next lesson will begin with the giving of the law to Moses on Mount Sinai. This is also the beginning of the next period of Bible history, the Mosaic age.

    Section I
    Fill in the blanks

    Question 1
    The new king (Pharaoh) commanded that every baby boy born to an Israelite family be cast into the river and be_____

    Question 2
    Moses was a ______ baby and his mother _______ him very much.

    Question 3
    Pharaoh’s daughter brought Moses up as her own ______.

    Question 4
    After Moses killed an Egyptian for mistreating an Israelite, he ran away to the land of ______

    Question 5
    Moses was in the land of Midian for ______ years.

    Section II
    True or False

    Question 1
    The new king (Pharaoh) remembered Joseph and how Joseph had saved Egypt from the famine

    Question 2
    Moses grew up in the palace and he did not love his own people.

    Question 3
    God heard the prayers of the Israelites to bring them out of their sufferings from the Egyptians

    Question 4
    Pharaoh let the Israelites go after the fifth plague

    Question 5
    God was with the Israelites even when they became unthankful in the wilderness wanderings due to

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