The Mosaic Age : Judges, Kings and Prophets

    Joshua was the leader of the children of Israel after they entered into the promised land (Canaan). For as long as Joshua ruled them, they followed and obeyed God. After Joshua died, the children of Israel began worshipping false gods. God punished them by letting their enemies defeat them. As was their nature when they were in trouble, the Israelites would cry out to God for deliverance from their enemies. God heard their cries and He raised up judges to deliver them.

    Some of the judges mentioned are Ehud, Gideon, Samson and the woman judge, Deborah. There were many others. After God ruled His people through judges, He ruled through kings. God was long-suffering with the children of Israel. They decided that they wanted kings like the people around them, so God allowed them to have kings.

    The first king was Saul, followed by David and David's son, Solomon. After these kings ruled, the kingdom of Israel was divided into two parts. These two kingdoms were called Judah and Israel. Solomon's son Rehoboam was king of Judah which was made up of 2 tribes, Judah & Benjamin. Jeroboam was king of Israel which was made up of the remaining 10 tribes.

    From the beginning until the New Testament was written, there were prophets. Prophets were people who could tell things that would happen in the future. God told the prophets what was going to happen and they in turn would tell the people.

    In the book of Daniel, the second chapter, beginning with the 31st verse, we read of the prophecy of the establishment of the church. God made this prophecy through Daniel.

    The prophet Isaiah foretold the beginning of the Lord's church. He not only prophesied concerning its establishment, but also designates Jerusalem as the beginning place (Isaiah 2:1-4). The significance of the death of Christ is also foretold by the same prophet (Isaiah 53:3-8).

    Jesus Christ himself was a prophet. He foretold many things that were going to happen. He told His apostles that one of them would sell Him into the hands of His enemies. He also told Peter (one of the 12 apostles) that he would deny Him three times. Jesus told many things that would happen in the future.

    Following the establish- ment of the church, God continued to use prophets to communicate His will (Acts 13:1).

    In Acts 21:9, we read of a man named Philip who had four daughters who prophesied. In the same chapter we read of Agabus the prophet who prophesied that Paul would be bound in Jerusalem.

    However, their mission in the church was to be of a temporary duration. At that time the church was told, "we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away" (1 Corinthians 13:9-10).

    With the completion of the New Testament, God's will for the Christian age was fully revealed. Once the New Testament was finished, spiritual gifts, prophecy, healings, tongue speaking were no longer essential. God did not intend for the church to have spiritual gifts on a permanent basis is clearly evident from 1 Corinthians 13:8.

    In this lesson we have studied very briefly the judges, kings and prophets.

    Our next lesson we will study the birth and life of Christ.

    Section I
    Fill in the blanks

    Question 1
    ______ was the leader of the Israelites after they entered into the promised land (Canaan)

    Question 2
    ______ was the only woman judge

    Question 3
    The first king of Israel was ________

    Question 4
    There were _________ divided kingdoms called ______ and _______.

    Question 5
    Jesus Christ himself was a ______.

    Section II
    Please type in true or false at the end of the statement.

    Question 1
    God’s will for the Christian age is revealed in the New Testament.

    Question 2
    Spiritual gifts, prophecy, healings and tongue speaking were no longer essential when the New Testament was completed (1 Corinthians 13:8).

    Question 3
    The Israelites were faithful to God even after Joshua’s death

    Question 4
    The significance of the death of Christ was foretold by the prophet Daniel

    Question 5
    Isaiah prophesied in Isaiah 2:1-4 that the church was to have its beginning place at Jerusalem

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