Bro. Koay Chuan Lek
Bro Koay has been a Christian since August 1985 and is currently serving as the
elder/chairman of the Klang church of Christ.
He also heads the work of the Tamil Congregation, as well as teaching and preaching Bible regularly. A Dentist by profession.
Bro. Rick Kirk
Brother Rick, together with sister Connie, was baptised into Christ on 18 August 1985 after studying the Bible with brother Donald and sister Rosaleen Chiam. He serves as coordinator for evangelism, education and the Christian Message, the bulletin of the Klang Church of Christ. He was a deacon from 2007, and was appointed an elder on 1 May 2022.
Bro. Ong Eng Boon
Brother Eng Boon has been a preacher for the Klang Church of Christ since x and appointed as an elder since 1 May 2022,
He is married to Sis So Lee Choo and have 2 children.
He has many years of experience in the financial industry.
Bro. Lim Chong Teck
Bro. Lim Chong Teck was blessed to know Christ in 1976 and after attending the services and studies in Klang Church of Christ for several months, he rendered his obedience to Christ in baptism.
He was appointed as a deacon in 2007 and co-ordinates the work of the Bible correspondence course and website services of the Klang congregation.
Bro. Chong Teck is trained in the adhesives and chemicals industries and is currently employed in Tufbond Technologies Sdn Bhd.
He is happily married to sis Annie Lim since 1996 and have a daughter, Lim Chia Ye.
He enjoys food and fellowshipping with the brethren.
Bro. John Quek
John Quek Keng Heng was baptized in August, 1974 when he obeyed the gospel following a city-wide gospel campaign the same year.
He is married to Lai Cheng See and they are blessed with two daughters, a son-in-law and a grandson.
He currently serves as a deacon in the Klang church of Church. He coordinates and assists in the congregation’s ministry work, and facilitates (when the need arises) in the study of God’s word through the Concentrated Bible Study (CBS) programme and the Jule Miller Visualized Bible Study Series.
He is also a practicing professional architect trained in Australia.
He is a firm advocate that exercise keeps the body and mind fit and one of his many hobbies and activities in his leisure time is playing badminton.
Bro. Allen Tan
Through the grace and mercy of the Lord, Allen was baptized and added to the body of Christ in Klang on 24/8/1975.
In his first year as a Christian, he worshipped together with a small group of young Christians meeting at the Bedford Girls College in Petaling Jaya for logistics reason. However, since then he has been privileged to grow and to serve with the Klang Church of Christ.
In the last 48 years of his spiritual journey with the church in Klang, bro. Allen has served in various capacities as the Treasurer, Mandarin Worship Coordinator and Sunday School Coordinator. He is currently a deacon in charge of building maintenance. In his secular life, he is an English language centre franchisee.
He is eternally grateful to God for His rich blessings of a wonderful family: his wife, sis. Lily Tan, their three children and three grandchildren.
Bro. Richard Lim
Bro Richard is a deacon with the Klang Church of Christ.
Bro. Bryan Ho Chien Chern
Bro Bryan Ho is a deacon with the Klang Church of Christ.