“Facing Life with Christ”

by Steven Chan

The venue for the Klang Valley Campaign for Christ is now confirmed at the Lecture Theatre of Taylor’s University, Lakeside in Sunway. Brethren, let’s get going and start inviting our friends and family members to come and hear three very important messages that will be delivered by bro John Moore.

To give you a better understanding of the subject matter that will be addressed by bro John Moore, appended here below are the titles and a brief synopsis of his messages. With this information, we should all be better equipped to discuss with our friends and family members on why they should make a special effort to come and listen to these messages.

“Why do I feel the way I do?” and “You are in good company”

  • No one wants to feel bad, sad, unhappy, or depressed so why do I feel this way
  • Why can’t I feel good or like I used to?
  • Understanding the bible’s perspective   on human behavior
  • Factors contributing to our emotionality
  •  Bible Characters who struggled with anxiety, worry, depression, crisis etc.

“How can I rejoice when I feel so bad?”

  • Examining the essence of the command to always rejoice (Philippians 4:4)
  • What does it really mean to be happy?
  • Proffering the reasons as to why a Christian can always rejoice and not let worry consume us (Pray Right, Think Right, Live Right).
  • How Paul was able to rejoice even in adverse circumstances.

“If the Lord is with us, why has all of this happened to me?

  • Beginning with Gideon’s statement.
  • Why are good people allowed to suffer?
  • Doesn’t God care about me?
  • Exploring the problem and rationale for human suffering.
  • Considering God’s servant Job

From the above synopsis, bro John Moore will be addressing very pertinent issues of our daily lives such as dealing with our feelings of worry and anxieties, how one can rejoice in spite of adversities, and the issue of suffering. These subjects are very relevant to our friends and family members.

Have we come across some friends who are struggling with uncertainties and anxieties? How do they cope with these feelings? The answer cannot be found in some man-made philosophies or psychological theories. Our Creator who made man with feelings knows our feelings and has shown us how we can handle them properly: The Bible assures us in Heb 4:15-16: “For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but one that hath been in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore draw near with boldness unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace to help us in time of need.”

Do we know some who do not seem to be able to be cheerful? They seem always to be complaining about the various problems they face in life. On the other hand there are some who are always cheerful even though they have to deal with many issues in their lives. How do we explain the different dispositions? The Bible says in 1Thess 5:16-18: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you.” How can one rejoice always in every circumstance? Bro John Moore will share with us how we can rejoice always.

Have we ever been afflicted by sickness and sufferings? Do we sometimes wonder why we are afflicted and how may we cope with such situations in our lives? Will man on earth be ever free from sickness and sufferings? Where is God when we are afflicted and suffering? Has God abandoned us during such times?

The Bible provides the answers to man’s problems in this age of crisis.  Let’s invite our friends and family members to this upcoming Campaign for Christ. We are not seeking to impose our ideas on them. We are merely seeking to share with them the good news about the God who created us and who loved us to such an extent that He gave His only begotten Son so that we can be saved – and He has provided us the WAY to live on earth with heaven as our eternal HOME when we end our journey here on earth (John 14:1-6). This the good news that we want to share with our friends.