The Bible says that by the grace of God, Jesus was made a little lower than the angels in order to “taste death for everyone” (Hebrews 2:9). You and I are part of “everyone,” so when we put it on a personal level, Jesus died . . . for you and me.

     Jesus willingly gave up the rich relationship which He enjoyed with the Father in heaven. He came to earth, becoming poor in the process, so that we “through His poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). He did that . . . for me.

     In general, the response which Jesus received from His fellow Jews was this: “His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). Despite that rejection, He stayed true to His mission. He did that . . . for me.

     Jesus lived with the knowledge that some of the Jewish leaders plotted to destroy Him (Mark 3:6). Yet, He wavered not in His commitment to do the Father’s will. He did that . . . for me.

     Jesus was hated, yes, hated without a cause (John 15:18,25). But, He persevered . . . for me.

     Jesus was accused falsely on numerous occasions. He was accused of breaking the Sabbath (John 5:16-18), being a deceiver (John 7:12), having a demon and being mad (John 10:20). In the face of such blasphemy, He pressed on . . . for me.

     Our Lord had to put up with the immaturity of His apostles, as they bickered with one another about who was the greatest among them (Mark 9:33,34). Even with His closest followers struggling to understand and apply His teachings, He moved forward . . . for me.

     The Christ was betrayed by His “own familiar friend” (Psalm 41:9; John 13:21). In spite of His certain heartbreak from such a devious deed, He persevered . . . for me.

     Oh what a night! After Judas betrayed Jesus, His other apostles “all forsook Him and fled” (Mark 14:5), then Peter denied Him three times (Mark 14:72). Betrayed, forsaken, and denied, He continued to submit to the Father’s will . . . for me.

     As Jesus later was interrogated before the Jewish Sanhedrin, He confessed that He was the Son of God. His reward? Some around Him spit in His face (Matthew 26:63-67). Those who wrongly accused Him of speaking irreverently treated the Prince of life in a blasphemous manner. In the face of their shameful acts, He practiced self restraint . . . for me.

     As some in that gathering spit on Jesus face and beat Him, “others struck Him with the palms of their hands” (Matthew 26:67). As they mocked Him, the men who held Jesus blindfolded Him and asked, “Prophesy! Who is the one who struck You” (Luke 22:63,64). He took it . . . for me.

     The Jewish leaders turned our Lord over to Pilate the governor. When Pilate learned that Jesus was from Galilee, he sent Jesus to Herod Antipas, who was in Jerusalem at that time. “Then Herod, with his men of war, treated Him with contempt and mocked Him, arraying Him in a gorgeous robe . . .” (Luke 23:11). For me, Jesus did not retreat.

     Back to Pilate He went. After further inquiries, Pilate scourged Jesus (John 19:1). The Hope of the world was whipped and whipped and whipped some more. The sharp objects near the end of the whip would tear the flesh on His back, ripping it open in a gruesome manner. Many who received such torture would go into shock or become unconscious. Without complaint, our Lord accepted it . . . for me.

     Next, the whole garrison of Roman soldiers gathered around Jesus. They stripped Him, put a scarlet robe on Him, twisted a crown of thorns and forced it on His head, put a reed in His right hand, bowed before Him and mocked Him, spit on Him, struck Him on the head with the reed, and mocked Him some more (Matthew 27:27-31). He remained committed to the Father’s plan.He did that . . . for me.

     To Calvary they led Him. With no flare and few details given, the Bible writer simply declared this fact: “there they crucified Him” (Luke 23:33). We struggle to comprehend such a horrible form of death – the body forced onto the cross, the metal spikes deliberately pounded into the flesh and then through the flesh to fasten the arms and feet securely to the wood. The mere thought of hearing the sound of a device hitting the metal spikes over and over causes us to close our ears and eyes in horror. Our Savior stayed alive on that tree for six tortuous hours (Mark 15:25,34). He did that . . . for me.

     The Christ sacrificially laid down His life (John 10:17,18). He willingly “endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2). Through all that Jesus faced, He did not threaten or retaliate. Instead, He committed Himself to the Father and “bore our sins in His own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:23,24). And I know that He did it all . . . because of me and for me.

Roger D. Campbell

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