“Specialized Training in Person-to-Person Evangelism”
(Highlights of the Fishers of Men Ministry http://www.fishersofmen.net/default.html)
Results: Over 20,000 baptized since 1977
Time : 9.00 am to 4pm (lunch provided)
Venue: Klang Church of Christ,
11 Jalan Teluk Pulai, 41100 Klang, Selangor
Speaker : Timothy Wilkes Snr, PhD
Bro Timothy Wilkes will also be speaking on the
following subjects in Klang:-
20 July 2012 Friday night 8pm, 20 July: “Grief”
22 July 2012 Sunday Morning Bible Class 9.30am : “Are You Normal?”
22 July 2012 Sunday Worship 10.45am : “Spiritual Inertia”
Dear Brethren,
We are all familiar with the work that our Lord has called us to do – as stated in Matt 28:18-20: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” Earlier in His ministry Jesus called His disciples and said to them in Mark 1:17: “Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
However, notwithstanding the call of our Lord to go and preach the gospel to everyone everywhere, few are doing the work because many feel ill-equipped to do the work. To address this specific feeling of inadequacy, we have invited a very qualified, competent and experienced soul-winner, Bro Timothy Wilkes Snr, to share with us some highlights of the Fishers of Men Ministry which is a ‘specialized training in person-to-person evangelism’. This Ministry is reported to have resulted in about 20,000 baptisms since its beginning in 1977.
We urge every brother and sister in Christ to plan to attend the whole day special seminar on Saturday 21 July, 2012 so that we can learn lessons that will help to equip us to do a better work of winning souls for Christ. Please do NOT consider this special meeting as just another meeting! The speaker is well-qualified and is a much sought after teacher. In fact he is fully booked by congregations all the way till the middle of 2013 – yet, we are especially blessed to have him here with us in Klang, Malaysia! The subject matter is critically IMPORTANT as well as URGENT as it is our Lord’s Great Commission to each and every Christian.
We hope that you will not find any excuses for not being able to attend this very special session. Do encourage your fellow brethren with whom you are in close association, to be present for this potentially life-changing seminar for God’s glory. Do arrange take leave from your secular employment if you are required to work on that Saturday. Come and learn the art of effective soul-winning. Do encourage the brethren from other congregations to come as well. Please sign up your participation by this Sunday so that we can cater for lunch that would be sufficient for all.
At the end of the day, will our Lord say to us: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord?’ (Matt 25:21-22). Are we faithful with the Lord’s work?
Timothy & Lynn WILKES
Born November 18, 1957, in Memphis, TN, Timothy obeyed the gospel December 5, 1977 in Southaven, MS. He and Lynn (Morris) were married September 19, 1976. They have three children, all of whom are married, all of whom are Christians and also have nine grandchildren.
He and Lynn worship with the Coldwater, MS church of Christ, where he serves as an elder. Having preached since 1979, Timothy is the director of the Fishers of Men Ministry.
In addition to Fishers of Men and preaching in the US, Timothy has preached, taught, and done campaign and faculty work in Australia, Columbia, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Tanzania, and extensive campaign work in Russia. As of July, 2012, Timothy has crossed the sea 98 times doing mission work.
Timothy’s secular college education:
- General Education at Three Rivers Community College in Poplar Bluff, MO
- MS in Andragogy (Science of how adults learn) from Capella University.
- Ph.D. in Andragogy from Capella University
Religious education:
In addition to holding the BA in Bible, M.Th. & D.R.E. He is a graduate of the Memphis School of Preaching two year programme and three year graduate programme.
The Fishers of Men Course is a 12-week training course in person-to-person evangelism. There are eleven 21/2 hour classes held once a week for eleven consecutive weeks. Students receive their homework at the first class and a graduation banquet is held following the last class. Therefore, the duration of the course is normally about 12 weeks.
Each student enrolled in the course is asked to commit himself to faithfully attending the classes and completing all assigned homework, averaging about an hour each day.
The curriculum is geared to the typical member of the church of Christ with little or no experience in teaching the gospel. The FOM course entails daily Bible study and training in methods of reaching and teaching lost souls.
Course Topics
- Discovering and developing one’s interest in home bible study.
- Assessing the “heart condition” of prospects.
- How and where to get definite appointments for home bible study.
- Dealing with questions and objections.
- Teaching effectively.
- Creating godly sorrow.
- Persuading scripturally.
Method Used:
http://www.noeo.net/obs/sft/sft.htm (free lessons available)
- The FOM course is designed to significantly increase the Christian’s effectiveness in one-on-one teaching of the gospel. All of the principles and most of the procedures taught in the course are effective with whatever scriptural teaching tool used. During the course the Search for Truth Series is used exclusively.
- Any Christian male or female who is 16 or older may enrol in the Course if willing to make the necessary commitment.
- Thanks to the financial support of congregations and individual members of the church of Christ throughout the US, our full-time instructors work free of charge. Part-time instructors charge $55 per student for material.
Over 20,000 baptized since 1977. More than 100 instructors have conducted about 1,100 FOM courses in 40 states with over 26,000 students from 1,500 congregations. These 26,000 plus students conducted over 90,000 Bible studies with about 28,000 souls; baptizing approximately 20,000 into Christ. During this time, students of the FOM course have been involved in establishing more than a dozen new congregations.