In our last lesson, we discussed the life of Jesus briefly. We will study in this lesson on the ministry or work of Jesus while He was on earth.

    Jesus started His ministry with the choosing of the twelve apostles. An apostle is someone who is sent on a mission for a specific work. These apostles were those who have witnessed the life of Jesus and sat under His feet to learn the word of God. These later went on to teach others about the Gospel (the good news that Jesus came to die for the sins of everyone).

    The 12 apostles were Simon, Peter and his brother, Andrew, James and John, sons of Zebedee, Phillip, Matthew the tax collector, Bartholomew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot (Matthew 10:1-4). These men had the power to perform miracles and could give this power to other people (Acts 8:14-17). However, the people to whom they gave this power to could not pass it on to others.

    Miracles were for a purpose. The miracles that Christ performed were to prove to the people that He is the Son of God (John 20:30-31). The ones that the apostles performed were to confirm the word or to prove what they were teaching were true (Mark 16:20).

    The apostles and the ones they gave this power to continue to perform miracles until the perfect la came or when the New Testament was completed. We do not need miracles today because we have the complete Bible and it has been confirmed (or proven to be true) by miracles. In those days, the New Testament was still being written. However, this does not mean that prayers are not being answered by God today. God’s answers to prayers are not known as “miracles”.

    Jesus had apostles and disciples while on earth. His apostles were the first twelve (Matthew 10). After Judas hung himself for betraying Jesus, Matthias took his place (Acts 1). Later on, Paul was appointed to be an apostle (1 Corinthians 15:7-9).

    Disciples were followers of Jesus. Today anyone who follows Jesus (does exactly as the Bible commands) is a disciple of Christ. The apostles were also disciples as they surely followed Christ, but all disciples are not apostles. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus told His disciples that He was going to build His church. He also told them that He would give Peter the Keys to the kingdom which is the church. In a later lesson we will study and find out where and when the church was established or started. We will also see Peter using these keys that Christ here promised to give him.

    This lesson has briefly covered the ministry of Christ. In our next lesson we will study the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

    Section I - Fill in the blanks

    Question 1
    An apostle is one who is ______ on a ______ for a specific ______.

    Question 2
    The ______ apostles were those who have witnessed the life of Christ and learned the word of God from Him.

    Question 3
    The miracles that Christ performed were to __________ to that He is the _______ of ______ (John 20:30-31).

    Question 4
    The apostles continued to perform miracles until the __________ law came or when the ________ _________ was completed (1 Corinthians 13:10).

    Question 5
    ______ took the place of Judas as an apostle.

    Section II - Please click true or false

    Question 6
    God’s answers to prayers are not known as ‘miracles’. -

    Question 7
    We have no need for miracles today because we have the complete Bible. -

    Question 8
    The power to perform miracles passed down by the apostles to those whom they gave this power to, were not able to pass it further to others. -

    Question 9
    Today, anyone who follows after Jesus’ teachings are called disciples but not all disciples are apostles. -

    Question 10
    Jesus told His disciples that He would give Peter the keys to the kingdom, which is the church. -

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