We will continue our study into some examples of the early conversions as recorded in the Bible. In Acts chapter 2, on the day of Pentecost (a Jewish celebration), we read of thousands of Jews from all over who were gathered in Jerusalem shortly after Christ’s death. The twelve apostles (Matthias was chosen to replace Judas who had hung himself) were given the ability to speak in tongues or languages through the power of the Holy Spirit, so that those who were there were able to comprehend or understand what was going to happen. Peter preached to them the first sermon about Jesus whom they had crucified but whom God had raised up, who is now both Lord and Christ. When those who were there heard this, they were pricked in their hearts. They asked Peter and the others what they should do. Peter told them to repent (or die to their sins) and be baptized (or be buried in water) for the remission (forgiveness) of their sins. On that day, three thousands souls were baptized and added to the church (Acts 2:41) and they began a new walk in life (Acts 2:42). Another example is found in Acts chapter 8. Philip was sent to teach a man from Ethiopia who was riding along in a chariot and reading a passage from the book of Isaiah, a book in the Old Testament. Philip asked him if he understood what he was reading. The man said that he needed someone to teach him. Then Philip began at the scripture the man was reading and taught him about Jesus. After Philip had taught him, they came to some water and the Ethiopian asked Philip if he could be baptized. Philip told him if he believes he could be baptized. The man told Philip that he believes that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. They both went down into the water and Philip baptized the man from Ethiopia. They then came up out of the water and the Ethiopian went on his way a very happy man. We see from this example that the Ethiopian (1) heard the word (2) believed the word (3) confessed that Jesus was God’s Son, (Matthew 10:32 teaches us that if we confess Christ before men that He will confess us before His Father in heaven) and (4) he was baptized. There are many more examples in the book of Acts of people obeying the gospel and being saved. Read these examples in Acts Chapters 8, 9, 10 and 16. These are only a few examples, but noticed that in each case of conversion, baptism always preceded salvation or the forgiveness of sins. All those who were baptized were old enough to believe what they were taught; therefore babies and young children were not baptized in New Testament times. When we are baptized (remember this is a part of obeying the gospel), we are saved (Mark 16:16) and when we are saved, the Lord adds us to His church (Acts 2:47). We do not have to pick and join a church of our choice for Christ adds us to His church. There are many false churches, false faiths, false gods, false baptisms, etc. but we are taught in Ephesians 4:4-6 that there is only one church, one spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God. Let us make sure that we are members of that one church (Christ’s church) and that we believe in the one Lord and one God, that we are of the one faith and that we are baptized into the one baptism mentioned in the Bible.
Section 1 - Fill in the blanks
Question 1 In Acts 2, when the Jews were pricked in their hearts after hearing Peter’s sermon on Christ, Peter told them to ________ and be _______ for the ________ of their sins
Question 2 In Acts 8, we see that the Ethiopian ________ the word, ________ the word, _______ that Jesus was God’s Son and he was ________.
Question 3 In each case of conversion, ________ always preceded ________ or the _______ of sins.
Question 4 Mark 16:16 commands that we must be ________ before we are ________ (Mark 16:16) and when we are saved, the Lord _______ us to His ________ (Acts 2:47).
Question 5 Ephesians 4:4-6 teaches that there is one _______, one _______, one ______, one ______,one ______,one _______ ,and one _______.
Section 2 - True or False
Question 6 The Ethiopian told Philip that he believed Jesus was the Son of God, and then Philip baptized him. TrueFalse
Question 7 There are many churches, many faiths and many baptisms in the Bible as recorded in Ephesians 4:4-6. TrueFalse
Question 8 The Jews on the day of Pentecost were told to believe alone and they will be saved. TrueFalse
Question 9 We can learn from Acts 2:38 that baptism was for the purpose of forgiveness of sins. TrueFalse
Question 10 We need to baptize babies and young children. TrueFalse
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