“I want to just say something about the Word”

by Charles Bishop

Dear brethren in Klang,

One of the great blessings I enjoy is to see the love the church has for one another, for the lost, for His word and for God Himself. Every time I read one of your articles, I try to thank the Lord for the church’s love for His word. In that list of four things that are loved by you all in Klang, (as discussed in the Nov 6 bulletin; the list isn’t complete!) I want to just say something about the word. It is the source of most of what we know about our God. It is true knowledge and His word of life.

It’s through His word we discover His marvelous grace that brought our lives out of disaster and gave us hope. It is in that word that we see His love and mercy towards us. It’s in that word that we see His holiness expressed in loving direction for our lives that will bring us true joy and fulfillment.

I want to remind you of a statement in the Psalms. You probably have it underlined and perhaps highlighted. I do. It is: “I will give Thee thanks with all my heart; I will sing praises to Thee before the gods. I will bow down toward Thy holy temple, and give thanks to Thy name for Thy lovingkindness and Thy truth; for Thou hast magnified Thy word according to all Thy name.” God has magnified His word. (NAS) The NIV says: “…you have exalted above all things your name and your word.” (Psalm 138:1-2) Interestingly there is no conjunction “and” in the text. The NIV translators added it. His name and His word are exalted above all things.

When the church loves God’s word, she loves God Himself. I can tell through your writings you have this love for His word. Good for you. Keep up your ministry of encouraging and teaching through your writings. Keep the church looking at our wonderful Lord and Savior. Serving Him and serving people will bring great reward. May the Lord bless you all in Klang, and may your outreach spread all over the earth.



Charles and Cloyce Bishop

(former missionary to Klang in the early 1970s; the Klang brethren are

grateful and thankful for the labour of love by bro Charles & Sis Cloyce Bishop)