The 8th Evangelism Seminar “I Have a Dream”

by Steven Chan
3 May 2009

A total of 119 brethren from congregations in Malaysia and Singapore participated in the 8th Evangelism Seminar graciously hosted by the brethren at Subang Church of Christ on  May 1, 2009. Many brethren from the Subang congregation assisted in handling the logistical requirements as well as playing gracious hosts to many brethren from out of town.

For those who participated, it was truly a great time for fellowship as we listened to the aspirations and plans of the respective congregations – all desiring to grow spiritually and in numbers and at the same time seeking to remain faithful to the Lord. We are much encouraged to read the mission reports from the various brethren who have travelled to countries like India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Cambodia.

Instead of looking to what the denominations have been doing to grow their membership, it was heartening to hear brethren referring to the Scriptures for God’s will as regards the growth and nature of the church.

For the very first time, the two elders from the Lim Ah Pin congregation in S’pore participated in the Seminar and shared with us what they have done in the last few years and what they plan to do in the coming years. That’s how we derive our encouragement – when we hear what they have done for the Lord and still aspire to achieve in the coming years. We are not alone in doing the work of God. We have a great brotherhood of brethren seeking to do the same – and we can learn from each other as to what we can do and how we can do them – so that the Lord is glorified in the church.

The brethren from Jurong, S’pore also shared their dreams with the participants. So did the younger congregations in Malaysia as well as those who have emerged from very trying times in the lives of their congregations – and still victorious. Brethren, it is so encouraging to hear from brethren who are like-minded and standing together in the work of the gospel – very much like what the apostle Paul desired for the church at Philippi: “that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one soul striving for the faith of the gospel” (Phil 1:27)

Almost every congregation seeks to be more Christ-like and placed great effort to equip and train brethren (including youths) so that they can all be effective soldiers for Christ. Emphasis was placed on ensuring that there is a succession plan for the leadership of the church.

Bro Kam Wah from DU shared with the brethren the importance of ensuring that our young brethren, who are sent for further education overseas, are encouraged to attend services there. He said that his daughter, Beverley who is studying in the States and attending a faithful congregation nearby, had the opportunity to be involved in a Campaign for Christ Mission work in Jamaica recently, and she has now expressed her desire to be a teacher among the ladies. Bro Kam Wah was so encouraged to hear her expression of personal faith and service to the Lord. She has certainly learned more than her secular studies; she has also grown spiritually. Parents should heed the exhortation of brother Kam Wah.

Many brethren have emphasized the need for each Christian to reach out to at least one and teach the one to be a Christian. That is indeed a worthy commitment as the church would double if each one faithfully carries out his or her commitment to win one soul to Christ. We must also endeavour to teach faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim 2:2). With such expression of faith and dreams for the work of the Lord, the Lord’s church can only grow tremendously in the coming years. Let’s all put our hands to the plow – and work for the Lord – and realize the dream for the church – one that would bring much glory to Him (Acts 2:47; Eph. 3:21).