I often wonder if there’s more to my life,
Than the one I’m having,
And more often than not,
I let out a heavy sigh,
Because being worthless is how I am feeling.

Family, friends, colleagues,
and even strangers,
They seem to know where they’re heading,
But why do I feel stuck and like a failure,
Because truth be told,
I don’t know where I’m going.

If sometimes YOU think the worst about yourself,
And think no one understands,
Religion, career, relationship are the few struggles in themselves,
For life is truly difficult to comprehend.

BUT do not worry about tomorrow,
For tomorrow worry about its own,
Do not drown in your own pity and sorrow,
For God has a plan for you that you do not know.
He created YOU in the likeness of His image,
And He sees YOU perfect in His sight,
So, remember your Creator when YOU are standing on the edge,
And trust in Him with all your might.

When YOU can’t see in you anything beautiful or good,
See it in a different perspective, and take a closer look,
Stare a little longer and you’ll see there’s something inside YOU,
Though it may be small,
it’s there:

YOU have helped others to feel brand new
Now give yourself that chance to feel brand new.

Composed by Shirley Lee for a friend